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Understanding how consumers plan to travel has never been more important.

As vaccines become more readily available, consumers and brands alike look forward to a return to ‘normalcy’. But are consumers ready dip their toes back into traveling?

Our TravelIQ eBook aims to answer the challenging questions only predictive data and analytics can answer as we begin to leave these "unprecedented times" behind, and provides marketers and data gurus with real data to help them capitalize on these noteworthy travel opportunities.

"Interested in post-pandemic consumer travel behavior, our team of researchers, psychologists, & data analysts examined current and future trends taking place within the travel industry."

Scarlett Shipp
Chief Product Officer at AnalyticsIQ

Interested in what our TravelIQ eBook covers? Here's a sneak peak!

What motivations are driving those likely to travel? How can on-the-fence consumers be accommodated?

With vaccines becoming more readily available, are consumers ready to dip their toes back into traveling again?

What do brands need to understand in order to attract those likely to travel again this summer?

Predictive data created specifically with travel brands in mind.

With over 1,200+ accurate data points, we're able to identify the unique characteristics that help you understand a consumer's travel behaviors, motivations, and interests - from those likely to purchase travel insurance to those most likely to travel in the upcoming months and everyone in between. By leveraging our predictive and powerful data, you have the ability to maximize your marketing efforts & drive results.

We speak geek.

In this quick video, hear from our team of data scientists and PhDs to learn...

  • How our data helps clients build better models
  • The unique cognitive psychological research approach we deploy to answer "Why?"
  • How we partner up with clients to solve problems

Ready to revolutionize your marketing?

With our travel-intender audiences, understanding the motivations of consumers has never been more attainable.

As a team of data geeks, scientists and cognitive psychologists, we get pretty excited about the opportunity to help brands optimize their marketing and analytics with data they can't find anywhere else.

Ready to learn more about our comprehensive suite of travel data? Download our complete TravelIQ product sheet here!