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Your Free Sample of AnalyticsIQ Data is a Click Away.

Looking to get your hands on rich, reliable and predictive consumer data? Well, look no further.

Built by data scientists for data scientists, AnalyticsIQ delivers sophisticated brands and marketing teams a level of proprietary insights they can't find anywhere else.

With 1200+ actionable data signals on over 242 million consumers, it's no surprise Fortune 500 companies rely on our data for predictive modeling, insights mining and customer analytics.

Instantly download our free sample data file below - 500 individuals, 57 attributes, 1 click.

Unlock relevant and valuable insights.

AnalyticsIQ is the first data company to help you answer "Why?".

At AnalyticsIQ, we help companies understand who people are and what people do. But we don't stop at demographics and behaviors. We answer the tough question, "Why do we people do what they do?".

As the first data company to employ full-time cognitive psychologists, we're completely focused on helping clients quantify the predictive power of individual level motivations.

Our accurate and comprehensive consumer database, PeopleCore, provides access to data attributes you can’t find anywhere else. And we're not grading our own homework. In 2020, AnalyticsIQ was named the Best Predictive Analytics Solution by the Martech Breakthrough Awards organization.

Trustworthy data delivers credible insights.


Our data covers over 242MM U.S. consumers


Over 1,200+ individual level attributes


Unlock predictive motivators for decision making


Use for direct mail, online, mobile, social and TV advertising

Simple pricing and free data options available

We speak geek.

In this quick video, hear from our team of data scientists and PHDs to learn...

  • How our data helps clients build better models
  • The unique cognitive psychological research approach we deploy to answer "Why?"
  • How we partner up with clients to solve problems

You're In Good Company

Data-Centric Companies Trust and Work with AnalyticsIQ

Let's go!

We partner with marketers and data science leaders across verticals - from insurance and financial services to healthcare and retail.

If you want to learn more about how you can get started using marketing data, download our free sample data set here.

Bonus: You'll get an invitation to schedule a complimentary data strategy workshop. What are you waiting for?