Data Ethics and Usage Acknowledgement

In order to access the data provided by AnalyticsIQ for the New Jersey Social Determinants of Health Hackathon, all must verify their understanding and agreement of acceptable usage of this data.

I understand that Consumer Privacy is critically important to responsible and ethical data usage. Certain industries have regulations in place to protect consumers and restrictions around how data may be used, even once it is de-identified. These include, but are not limited to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. Essentially, the law takes consumer privacy very seriously, and so do we. The use of Consumer Data can be wielded to have a positive impact in the lives of marketers and consumers, but in the wrong hands it can cause damage. If you are unsure whether or not your use of the data is appropriate or even legal, ask your educator. Learn more about AnalyticsIQ's approach to privacy here, and how we apply data ethics here.

I understand that this data is made available to participants in the New Jersey Social Determinants of Health Hackathon only. Any projects or research conducted with the intent to publish using AnalyticsIQ data must first receive expressly written permission from AnalyticsIQ. No commercial benefit may be earned by anyone that has access to AnalyticsIQ data as part of the New Jersey Social Determinants of Health Hackathon. This data, including any subset of the data, may not be shared with anyone that does not have specific rights to access the data per the agreement between AnalyticsIQ and the users. That means no sharing with friends or family, or other organizations for use beyond the New Jersey Social Determinants of Health Hackathon. I understand that AnalyticsIQ may communicate directly with me, including content regarding updates to the data I am accessing.

By completing the form below and accessing the data provided by AnalyticsIQ for the New Jersey Social Determinants of Health Hackathon, I acknowledge that I have read the data ethics agreement outlined on this page and agree to use the data I am given in an ethical manner guided by the terms of the AnalyticsIQ.